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Ultimate Hold'em v1.1 iphone ipod touch

Ultimate Hold'em v1.1
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch. Requires iPhone OS 2.2.1 or later.

Become an expert at the latest Las Vegas table sensation! Ultimate Hold'em is the fast-paced Texas Hold'em poker game in which you compete in a head-to-head battle against the dealer.

Follow the detailed tutorial to learn how to play and then enjoy the quick pace and beautiful graphics of this addictive solitaire-like poker app.

Ultimate Hold'em is OpenFeint-enabled.

- Detailed tutorial for beginners
- Rich graphics and animation (our prettiest casino app yet)
- Sassy dealer, casino ambience, and other SFX
- Calculate your mathematical odds at any stage in a hand
- Popular slang nicknames for starting pre-flop hands
- Fast-paced, casino-realistic action
- Stat-tracking
- Customizable settings
- 12 clever OpenFeint achievements to unlock
- Global scoreboards (including Geolocation-based scoreboards)
- OpenFeint chat room and support for IM
- Twitter and Facebook integration
- OpenFeint 2.4 and all that comes with it...

Download to PC Clickshere


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