PockeyPad v1.10 for iPhone / iPod touch
➜ PockeyPad for iPhone/iPod Touch
Now you can take a memo on your iPhone/iPod Touch easier and quicker.
➜ PockeyPad is...
PockeyPad uses own developed hand-writing engine to enhance the speed and quality.
It provides a better memo application.
➜ Features...
✎ Control function of the Pad is enhanced to categorize and users can draw own title for the pad.
✎ Convenient delete, copy, paste, and other editing functions.
✎ Simple, fast, and better UI (user interface).
✎ Supports many drawing tools such as marker, eraser, highlighters, pencils and so on.
✎ Provides variety color and width.
✎ Various background color to choose and grid can be drawn.
✎ You can set passcode for pads or for the whole category to secure your work.
✎ It will take a much smaller capacity of memory than same resolution image file
by storing in the vector data and also it's easy to zoom in/out without breaking the outlines.
✎ Supports Zoom In / Out ( to 800 %)
✎ You can write more small and precise handwriting with zoomed input windows.
✎ You can use the memo for your schedule manager by checking or unchecking each pad.
✎ Supports Undo/Redo.
✎ You can send your work in desired resolution via emails or save it.
➜ New Features Comming soon in Version 1.2
✎ Supports background image
✎ Supports theme
✎ Known bugs fixed
➜ In the Future...
✎ Able to type text
✎ Supports landscape mode
✎ Supports Apple Push Notification
✎ Backup and restore via Server
✎ Supports default pad template for each category
✎ Full screen on pad edit view
✎ Supports various pad size (You can set desired size of pad)
✎ Supports various image size when export the pad (to photo album, e-mail)
✎ Fixed the saving problem
✎ Some bugs fixed
✎ Add Brief Manual
Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch
Requires iPhone OS 3.0 or later
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