Let's face it:
There MUST be a reason why this app is consistently in the TOP99 list of the LIFESTYLE and PHOTOGRAPHY categories in the United States.
Actually, there are dozens of REASONS - each of the HI-RES images in this collection feature a girl with the most DELICIOUS curves you could want dressed in seductive SENSUAL LINGERIE. All images are perfect mood setters, guaranteed to pick you up when you are feeling blue or rev you up when you are feeling racy...
A look at the ratings will show that more people gave our app five stars than gave it four, three, and two stars combined. Sure there are a number of one star reviews pulling down the average, but none of them are very vocal as to WHY they gave it one star. And if the overwhelming number of 5 star reviews aren't evidence that the app is worth it's minimal asking price, what is?
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